
Morning SMS

No one in this world is pure  and perfect . If you avoid people for their mistakes , you will be alone in this...

Good Morning

All problems are only due to two words "early" and "late" We dream too early.. And act too late.. We trust too early.. And forgive too late. We get...

Awesome Lines

"It is our decisions , and not our conditions , that determine our destiny ." - Good Morning.. " We have power over our mind...

Attractive Lines

It's funny  that , we ask God  to change the situation  for us; without realising  that God  put us in the situation , to change . Good...

Beautiful Good Morning Quotes

" When you move your focus  from competition  to contribution  life becomes a celebration ." " Never defeat people , Just win them " Good Morning "☝?When...

Whatsapp Messages

If they  respect you, respect them , If they disrespect  you, still respect them.... Do not allow the actions of others to affect you ,...

Mind Blowing Quotes

Relation is sweeter than honey and greater than money , smoother than silk and whiter than milk , higher than any tower and...

Interesting Messages

When u pray 4 others God listens 2 u n blesses them . So..When u r happy and feel blessed , remember ...

Lovely Quotes

A Temple  is a very interesting place  - The poor  beg outside  & the rich beg inside .. Good Morning.. Mistakes ?; Failures ? & Rejections...

Good Morning Quotes

When you start loving somebody , you start caring about yourself . But when you start caring about others , somebody starts loving you!...

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