Janata Curfew – What India planned to Accomplish?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday addressed the entire nation to prepare them to combat challenges and fight against this deadly viral outbreak, COVID19. His speech emphasized the need for ‘social distancing’ and asks businesses to act with empathy towards workers and treat them properly. He said that the ‘Janata Curfew’ will be observed on Sunday, March 22 between 7 am and 9 pm. He is confident that this strategy will help to reduce the virus from spreading.

Janata Curfew – What was the plan?

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was first originated in Wuhan, China. It causes illness, ranging from mild fever to severe cold-like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), viral pneumonia, and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). It soon spread top many countries like the US, the UK, and other European and Asian countries. Countries like China, Iraq, Israel, and Korea are some of the worst affected ones. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called this situation as a global emergency. The COVID-19 has claimed the lives of thousands of peoples and infected many millions. Till March 21st, it has claimed the lives of 11,421 peoples. Hence India aimed at hosting Janata Curfew on Sunday.

How did we accomplish?

PM Modi in his 30 minutes speech announced a Covid-19 strategy and stated this situation as a global pandemic. The deadly infectious covid19 has claimed the lives of nearly 4 Indians and has infected 173 across the nation. PM Modi also kindly asks employers and industry leaders not to cut the salaries of workers and called for a “Janata Curfew” on Sunday. With many countries affected by this viral outbreak for the past two months, Modi wants all Indians to be safe and secure. Thus, he called for a Janata Curfew and requested everyone not to go out unnecessarily. He wants every Indian citizen to remain in their house from 7 am to 9 pm. This 14-hours strategy is aimed to prevent the spread of the virus.

Credits: India Today

Why it was necessary?

He said that World War I and II did not affect many countries as coronavirus has done recently. Though, it may look like India is safe from viral outbreak, however, it is not true. This belief is not right. Modi Ji asked every Indian to remain aware and alert. He also added ‘resolution’ and ‘restraint’ are two main weapons that help to combat against global epidemics.

Prime Minister also requested state governments to venture into this issue and help India fight COVID-19. He also asked every citizen to follow all the rules and regulations issued by both central and state governments. Modi ji claimed that restraint is the only way to protect oneself and remain healthy. The PM also requested everyone to stay at home and leave their houses only if it urgent or non-negotiable. He said that ‘The world is healthy when we are healthy’. He asked peoples to avoid the crowd and stay at home.

Janata Curfew Highlights

He also emphasized the power of social distancing. In this coronavirus pandemic, he said that maintaining social distance will keep you healthy and protect your loved ones. He also warned peoples not to take it lightly and feel like you are okay and believe blindly that nothing will happen to you. The implications may prove to be fatal not only for you but for your friends and family members.  Modi Ji wants everyone to follow Janata Curfew on March 22, from 7 am to 9 pm. He also said that the success of this mission will help everyone face furthermore challenges to come. Prime Minister also said that this experience will prove to be useful in the future.

Modi ji also requested NSS, NCC, civil societies, and other social service organizations to help enforce this mission. He also wants youths to be a part of this mission. Youths being the backbone of India, Modiji believes that the role of the youths in this mission will hugely determine the success of this mission. Honorable PM wants them to spread this message to every citizen of this country. He also wants his countrymen to applaud and honor the services rendered by service people who are providing essential services in such a disastrous time. He wants everyone to stand at the doors and balconies of their houses and applaud these people for 5 minutes.

Wrap Up

He wants no crowd at hospitals and said ‘Do not crowd the hospital for any non-emergency reasons’. Instead, consult doctors through phone or video calls for small and minor cases. He also asked to postpone any non-critical surgeries. In this way, the burden in hospitals can be released and health infrastructure will be under control. Thus, the burden of the healthcare system can be reduced drastically and the concentration of coronavirus affected patients can be improved.  He also strictly warned companies, and employers not to detect wages of any worker who do not come to their jobs. Those people who do not turn up to their jobs also have family and they also have to run their lives and protect their families. So unnecessary blackmailing and cutting down of wages should not be seen. Instead, behave with kindness and consideration of their worker’s health as a priority.



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