Bail Application Filed for Anubhav Mittal by His Supporter was Disposed on 1st March

Anubhav Mittal

Even after getting Anubhav Mittal in the custody of Directorate of Enforcement, Lucknow, Supporters of Anubhav Mittal didn’t mind to file the bail application for him.

One of the supporters of Mittal Filed a Bail application on 28 Feb 2017 for which the registration date was on 1st of March 2017 and the case was heard on the same day. All this happened after the case was handed over to the ED Team and there was no use of this case to hear, anyhow the case got lucky to have heard in the court at Gautam Budh Nagar and the result of the same was as expected i.e it got disposed of.


Case Order has not been uploaded by the court which UP Court cases don’t think is important as Delhi’s Government and we don’t think we need any order to understand the reason of this case getting disposed as the next hearing date was sxheduled on 4th March and at that time ED Team was figging in to this case and trying to collect the evidences which could be against Mittal.

Supporters of Anubhav Mittal are huge in numbers but then they need to understand the fact about the law and orders and they should act accordingly.

Hope Supporters of Social Trade and Mittal who are praying to get their money back could be proved true soon.


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