Girls feel a lot safer when their man holds them in his arms. You feel like there is nothing better than him holding you so close. But there are a few types of hugs that every girl wants from her boyfriend. What are those hugs? You’ll find out soon, boys pay close attention to the below-mentioned hug types.
1. Hold me tight.
This is probably the best kind where you feel like your bone’s crushing. But you still want more.

2. I missed you.
This one’s my personal favorite, especially when you’re in a long-distance relationship. It actually makes up for all the lost time and distance and makes all the wait worth it.

3. I miss you even in my sleep.
Okay, so it’s probably 2 am at night. You’re both fast asleep, or maybe she is, roll over and take her in your warm loving embrace. Even if she’s asleep, she’ll know it’s you, and nothing on earth can feel so good right at that moment.
4. We’re caterpillars in a cocoon.
THIS! The best blanket wrapping hug you can ever ask for. Lazy morning, don’t feel like getting up, time for some cocoon hugs. This is basically just wrapping the blanket around her and pulling her real close to your chest like she’s some tiny little caterpillar in need of a shelter asap. Her day’s made.

5. Kiss and twirl in the air.
Haha! This is practically the tiny fantasy every girl has (myself included!) no matter how shy she is in public. It is actually the “oh my god” moment where you feel as if you’re the lead in some cheesy romantic movie, and this is just another thing at the shoot. But trust me, your girl definitely wants this!

6. The warm after lovemaking hugs.
When you’re through with the sweet pain of lovemaking, all she wants is you to wrap her up in your arms and be a little sweet Christian Grey and ask her if she’s hurt or ask her to get some sleep or let her know how much you love her. This is probably the best thing you can do being her boyfriend.

Which one is your’s favorite?, Mention and tag the person whom you like to hug.